Fortune Cookie
Let’s have a little fortune cookie fun [in bed]! Here are eleven awesome poems inspired by fortune cookies. Enjoy!
Fortune [The neighbors will soon spread their confounding potluck before you.] poem by Dobby Gibson
Fortune [There’s only one horizon, yet it can be found] poem by Dobby Gibson
Handy Guide poem by Dean Young
The Moral Kicks In poem by Peter Twal
Cardi B Tells Me about Myself poem by Eboni Hogan
In Bed poem by Kim Addonizio
Lines For the Fortune Cookies poem by Frank O’Hara
New Lines for Fortune Cookies poem by James Masao Mitsui
Your Luck Is about to Change poem by Susan Elizabeth Howe
Little God Origami poem by Stefi Weisburd
If You Go to Bed Hungry poem by Angela Narisco Torres
Writing Prompt
Write a poem (or short prose piece) inspired by the fortune cookie.
Include one (or more) of the following:
Warnings / Predictions
Tips / Advice / Instructions
The words "in bed" at the end of each line or stanza (or some other repeated phrase)
Confident, assertive, didactic, sarcastic or matter-of-fact tone
Interpolated lines from a fortune cookie
[Brackets] with fortune inside
Made up fortunes (serious or ridiculous)
Mention of a real or metaphorical fortune cookie
Second person address (to the reader, as "you")
A meal eaten alone or with someone else, which includes a fortune cookie
(and perhaps some setting or narrative details)
Or something else! Feel free to interpret loosely. Have fun!
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